Sunday, November 04, 2007


Happy Birthday Liz...
Hopefully Christian has returned from his duties to unveil your gifts - otherwise, just break down the door and have at it. You can blame it on the dogs. Enjoy your early 30s.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Otis and the Couch

Otis contorted himself into an interesting position last night. He was quite tired and was trying to lie on his back, but his efforts were frustrated with the up of the superfluous pillows. We are off to the beach now to play volloyball. This is midsemester break, so I am half way through 4th semester.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wednesday was Independence day for St. Kitts. I celebrated the holiday with a hike up the volcano with a number of other vet students and Otis. Here, we are at the top with the crater behind us. Otis has been sleeping since he has returned.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Monday, September 03, 2007

still in PR

Jill and I (the only two remaining Ross students not present at school today) continue to study pharmacology at a makeshift table in the airport. Our final is scheduled for Tuesday morning at 8am and we are yet to be scheduled for a flight (the current time is 5:30pm Monday).

Monday, May 07, 2007

These are pictures from the volcano hike. Ethan and I were quite impressed with Mom and Dad as they practically led the hike to the top! They must be really putting those gym memberships to use. Although I am just posting these pictures now, the parents and Ethan have been gone for over a week now. They are back to work and today was my first day of third semester.